Sunday, October 11, 2009

Kipper's Socializing

Kipper has a big, deep voice. He loves to bark. He loves to talk. He loves to sit in our large bow window and watch the people and dogs go by as they head to the park at the end of our block. The only problem for us is that he loves to bark at other dogs. It can be a great dane or a chi hua hua--if it belongs in the canine species--he wants to bark. After several years, he has finally learned that his human housemates do not admire the high-pitched incessant barking accompanied by the ramming of the large snout into the window. So, he tries to control himself. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If' it's the pooch that lives on the corner, he cannot help himself. He has to let out at least one bark, before forcing himself from the window and proceeding to pace in circles around the dining room table. He tries so hard.

Another thing he likes to do is to "talk." When I come in after being gone for a while, he meets me at the door with a wagging tail, like most dogs. But what is unusual, is his verbal greeting. "Arooo" strangely sounds like "hello". He is also fond of saying, "Garooo, grooo, roo, rarh, rah." I think the meaning is something like, "I missed you so much."

For a while, Matt was learning the flutophone as part of his music class at school. When he would practice, Kipper would join in with high pitched singing or howling. Kipper also reacts this way to the sound that comes from hand-held video games or if any of us sings for more than a few moments.

Kipper's musical talents are not restricted to singing. He also likes to dance. His age keeps him from being able to stand on his back paws and present his front paws to you for a quick two-step around the living room like he used to. However, he still stands up, wags his tail and pants at you, indicating his desire to boogie. I think he really loves music and recognizes how it lightens the mood and relaxes all of us. His favorite is probably "Hey Bulldog," by the Beatles. "What d'ya say? I said Woof!"


  1. Yep, that's Kipper. Always a chatterbox

  2. Alot of times Kipper talks better than I do. And he is also a far better dancer then me.
