Thursday, December 17, 2009

Excerpt from Surviving and Thriving after Job Loss

This is a short excerpt from my manuscript Surviving and Thriving after Job Loss.

The true breakthrough came when I realized that more than just being a writer, what I really wanted to do was to inspire and give hope to others as well as to myself. When I write my stories and they turn out with a happy ending, I am reinforcing in myself hope for all of humanity. This may sound corny, but all my life experiences, good and bad have led me to this place of being an author of inspirational works. Losing my father, growing up with alcoholism and abuse, and finding recovery all led me to discover the power within myself that comes from God. Only by connecting myself to this power, do I become able to realize my true potential. Just as each job kept leading me back to writing, so my life circumstances keep leading me to stronger dependence upon God. When I was in my thirties and forties and facing the pain of my childhood, it took a lot of faith in God to get through it all. But as I faced the emotions and the pain, I was able to let go of the hurt, to forgive others and myself, and to find in myself a wealth of power and energy from God, power that I didn’t know existed. I had buried my creative forces for years in my efforts to repress my emotions. As I let those emotions out, I also let out the creative forces that led me to being a great author. Going through the pain made me realize how much we all go through and how much we have to face to get on with our lives. Only by learning to face reality do we become able to realize our full potential!

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