Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lock Down

Chain, check. Gate locked, check. Back door locked, check. Crate, check.

We thought we had Kipper secured now. We finally could go on vacation and not worry.

Renee came over to dog sit. She held his collar out the back and hooked him up to the chain as requested. Five minutes later she went out to let him in, but finds the chain with no Kipper on the end of it!

He had escaped again! She finally caught up with him, but wondered how he got off the chain. The problem was she had hooked the chain to the weaker loop on his collar that held his tags and he had used his brute strength to pull the loop free. Yes, my dog can bend and break metal!

So I added to the list of instructions to make sure you secure the chain to the heavy loop on his collar.

No worries to Kipper though. He next found out how to open the front door and get out. Or he would wait patiently for someone new to enter the house, see his chance to bolt through them before they closed the door, and out he went!

Keep screened door locked, check. Warn everyone who enters the house, "Don't let Kipper out!" Check.

Most of the time the above measures worked, but as they say, where there's a will, there's a way!


  1. Thats our pooch! It still makes me laugh to read about it. ZOOK

  2. Kipper was so relentless... makes you wonder if he had some kind of motivation for running away. Maybe he was looking for something. I still don't know.
