Sunday, August 14, 2011

Miracle of the Medals

It had been a good Thursday. I'd given my presentation at work, asking God to speak through me, and I'd pulled it off with flying colors. I felt grateful and in alignment with God's will. It was sunny and warm. Not a day for tragedy.

The Tigers were on the TV, trying to win another game. My husband, Steve, and I had just settled on the couch when he put a religious medal in my hand. It was St. Therese. I was familiar with the saint, having just read her autobiography several months prior. Steve works at our Church and is always finding rosary beads, prayer cards and the like in his cleaning duties. I nonchalantly turned over the medal to see flowers and the words "Pray for us." I thought it was a nice medal and turned my attention back to the baseball game.

Steve said, "I found three of these at work today."

I nodded and our oldest son, Stevie, interrupted the conversation with a baseball statistic, that our youngest son, Matt, disputed in usual fashion.

I took a sip of iced tea and looked at the TV, willing Steve's boring story to be over.

"Anyway," Steve continued, "Did you know some areas flooded last night? It rained pretty hard."

"Yeh, someone said something..." I responded.

"Well, I was using this electric pump with an external motor to drain the water out of the elevator at the church. As I was pumping, the pump fell over. Without thinking, I grabbed it," he said.

I looked at him, my eyes popping out of my head. "What happened? Did you get a shock?"

"Nothing," he said.

Now he even had Matt's attention.

"After I pulled it out, I moved the pump. And there where it was were three medals like the one you are holding, all lined up in a row. Isn't that strange?"

"Not at all," I said, "It was a miracle. St. Therese saved your life. Isn't she the saint that wanted to help people on earth after she went to heaven? She said she would send flowers down after dying."

Steve said he didn't know. But he did know that those medals were not there earlier. Two other workers had been there talking to him before the incident and said they didn't see the medals. He added, "After I told them the story, they both took a medal. Father Ed said I better hold onto this one."

I gave Steve the medal back, reiterating that he should keep it with him.

Next, I thanked God, St. Therese and Steve's guardian angel for saving him from serious injury and possibly death.

I did some Internet research and confirmed that St. Therese wanted to help us here on earth after she died. I printed out her Novena and prayed it for nine days. Many miracles have been attributed to St. Therese, but this one I experienced first hand.

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing. Your story just gave me goosebumps.
    God is good!
