Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Food Obsession

Food obsession go away,
Counting calories, fat each day.
Tired of restrictions and rationalizations?
Want freedom, health and celebrations?
It's not gluttony to eat what you like;
It can be fun and healthy--as riding a bike.
Exercise is important too,
But don't obsess about what to do.
Stop being a critic of each move you make;
Eat the salad and eat the cake.
Don't look back, only ahead--
Give yourself a break and enjoy your daily bread.
Stop fussing and nagging your kid;
Set a good example and put on the lid
When you've had enough and you know when--
There's no such thing as not stopping then.
Trust yourself to eat what your body craves;
Fruits, vegetables, sugar may come in waves
As your body and emotions heal
More into balance become your meals,
You will naturally eat what you need;
Without question and calculation you will heed
Your body's true desire
Because it's not a liar
Learn to listen to your gut
And get out of the food rut!

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