I can rationalize what I do,
Saying I’m doing it for you.
I’m selfless you see, despite my hidden motives of getting what I want for me.
I think that if I give you want you will in turn give me what I need.
I haven’t asked you but hope that some comment planted a seed.
But you don’t catch on and go on your merry way,
Taking what I gave and leaving me to say “Hey,”
“What happened?” I did as you asked but now
I find myself out in the cold, abandoned somehow.
You didn’t read my mind and acquiesce.
You didn’t even notice or guess
That I wanted something for in return of what I gave:
Recognition, a thank you or even just a wave.
After all, I moved over and let you pass.
You left me in the dust and alas
I finally realize I expected what you could not give--
To read my mind as if it’s a sieve
Where my needs go out from me and enter your head
I take care of you and you take care of me –but, instead
You didn’t agree to this and now I resent
What I did with a motive that was bent
I said I wanted to please you, but really you see
I was trying all along to get you to do it for me.
Okay, so if I stop this dance and instead seek out
God’s love and find out what that’s about
I’ll find that loving God means loving myself
Then I can care for you without putting me on a shelf
Then true love with you I will share
You may not return it but I won’t care
Because God will see that someone else will
Find my love fitting and return it to me in full.