Hope is the feeling of Christmas in Spring.
Shining, promising, on the horizon--a beacon.
What can and will be. Hope in the Lord who works all things for our greater good.
Birds singing.
Smiles, joy, sunshine, good vibes.
Hope dispels darkness, fear, anger, despair.
Hope cannot be killed
Hope Lives On.
Things are getting better.
God's love is growing. Spread God's love like peanut butter on bread.
No need to react to chaos.
All is in God's order.
God's will be done.
Love and light. Makes us light.
Today is a great day!
The Lord is my shepherd.
More will be revealed.
I turn my will and life over to God and have hope that he will give my life purpose and make it what it is meant to be. I will hope in God's will, not my fantasies or fancies. Just God's will, not mine.